AI dla Inżynierów

Autonomous and
AI-based solutions for industry

Odblokuj pełny potencjał swojej firmy dzięki naszym rozwiązaniom opartym na danych i sztucznej inteligencji, dostosowanym do potrzeb Twojej branży.

Odblokuj pełny potencjał swojej firmy dzięki naszym rozwiązaniom opartym na danych i sztucznej inteligencji, dostosowanym do potrzeb Twojej branży.

Zaawansowana Sensoryka

Wysokiej jakości chmura punktów w oparciu wyłącznie o niskokosztowych kamery RGB

Inteligentne Przetwarzanie Danych

Rozpoznawanie pozycji 6D obektu za pomoca uczenia głębokiego.

Modele językowe

Efektywne i bezkolizyjne ścieżki ruchu dla robota.

Zaawansowana Sensoryka

Wysokiej jakości chmura punktów w oparciu wyłącznie o niskokosztowych kamery RGB

Inteligentne Przetwarzanie Danych

Rozpoznawanie pozycji 6D obektu za pomoca uczenia głębokiego.

Strategic Path Planning

Efektywne i bezkolizyjne ścieżki ruchu dla robota.

Seamless Execution

Accurately picks and places objects, optimizing your operations.

Zaawansowana Sensoryka

Wysokiej jakości chmura punktów w oparciu wyłącznie o niskokosztowych kamery RGB

Predictive maintenance

Detect and predict failures

Detect and predict failures

Our innovative 3D vision technology is based only on RGB cameras, which significantly reduces the costs associated with expensive depth sensors and effectively solves the problems they encounter. It copes well with reflecting and shiny metal surfaces, and also provides stable work in variable lighting conditions.

Our innovative 3D vision technology is based only on RGB cameras, which significantly reduces the costs associated with expensive depth sensors and effectively solves the problems they encounter. It copes well with reflecting and shiny metal surfaces, and also provides stable work in variable lighting conditions.

Geophisical images

Salt segmentation

Salt segmentation

A comprehensive 3D platform that seamlessly integrates a digital twin of our sophisticated robotic system with advanced 3D vision capabilities.

A comprehensive 3D platform that seamlessly integrates a digital twin of our sophisticated robotic system with advanced 3D vision capabilities.

Object detection

Safe and Healthy

Safe and Healthy

AI object detection and recognition for health and safety involves the use of sophisticated algorithms to identify and classify various objects and conditions in an environment, such as safety gear (helmets, gloves) and potentially hazardous zones. By analyzing visual data from cameras in real-time, this technology can alert personnel to safety violations or risks, such as the absence of required protective equipment or the presence of individuals in restricted areas. It enhances workplace safety by enabling proactive measures, minimizing accidents, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

AI object detection and recognition for health and safety involves the use of sophisticated algorithms to identify and classify various objects and conditions in an environment, such as safety gear (helmets, gloves) and potentially hazardous zones. By analyzing visual data from cameras in real-time, this technology can alert personnel to safety violations or risks, such as the absence of required protective equipment or the presence of individuals in restricted areas. It enhances workplace safety by enabling proactive measures, minimizing accidents, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Medical images

Atherosclerotic plaque segmentation

Atherosclerotic plaque segmentation

Leverage 3D Vision for depth understanding, Odometry for precise positioning, and Synthetic Data to train AI models. These tools are essential for accurate analysis and enhanced AI performance.

Leverage 3D Vision for depth understanding, Odometry for precise positioning, and Synthetic Data to train AI models. These tools are essential for accurate analysis and enhanced AI performance.

Eye tracking

Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer disease

We deliver Embedded Solutions and AI Integration, connecting IoT devices for smarter operations. Our scalable, robust software solutions drive innovation and operational excellence.

We deliver Embedded Solutions and AI Integration, connecting IoT devices for smarter operations. Our scalable, robust software solutions drive innovation and operational excellence.

Medical images

Atherosclerotic plaque segmentation

Atherosclerotic plaque segmentation

Leverage 3D Vision for depth understanding, Odometry for precise positioning, and Synthetic Data to train AI models. These tools are essential for accurate analysis and enhanced AI performance.

Leverage 3D Vision for depth understanding, Odometry for precise positioning, and Synthetic Data to train AI models. These tools are essential for accurate analysis and enhanced AI performance.